There are innumerable benefits to be obtained from losing weight including: Increased longevity, less knee pain, prevention of Diabetes and Hypertension, less back and knee pain, increased mobility, lower cholesterol, decreased risk of heart disease, look physically better, and more.
AALI approaches weight management as a critical component of the patient’s overall health.
Dr. Tuakli talks about weight loss using the HCG Diet.
This is an edited version of a longer video.
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2 of Dr. Tuakli's patient's give testimonials about their experiences with the HCG Diet program.
This is an edited version of a longer video.
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“Hi Doc, I just wanted to let you know that I am doing magnificently fantastic with my program I have a new lease on life!!!! Thank you a Zillion times. I can recall phone numbers again and I am back on target at work. I have lost 5 pounds without even trying over the holidays. Thank you for being such a wonderful doctor.”
- Claudia T